Thursday, December 17, 2009


Although, I have an obsession with color, I love drawing in black&white. They might be dull colors on their own but together they create something wonderful just like when you combine brighter colors.


I could color in my drawings but I shade and smudge them a lot to create shadows...

I was in that phase where I wanted to be a singer and songwriter so I could express my emotions... so one day, I sat down with my pencil and tried so hard to come up with the song. Instead, I drew the picture shown above.

I have just recently seen Wall-e and it is now one of my favorite movies! I just thought he was so cute and decided to draw a picture of him with Eva and his pet cockroach:)

Ha... I just realized his box- like body is a little lopsided...x]

Was inspired by one of the dresses shown in TeenVogue:)

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