Monday, February 8, 2010

Bec Winnel

One of my favorite bloggers, Daydream Lily, isn't the only talented one in her family. In fact, her lovely sister also holds a bit of magic in her hands...

Bec Winnel has created these gorgeous illustrations for the Tasmanian jewelery label That Vintage...
But that isn't all I'm sharing with you!
I am also delightful to share That Vintage is going to turn 2 years old on Valentine's day and EVERYTHING in store will be shipped FREE! Also, along with your purchase, you will receive an extra, little sweet gift...

Alright. Now, back to the main point of this post...

 Bec Winnel is a very talented young lady and I have more pieces by her to share...


These three pieces by Bec are my favorite and are undoubtedly beautiful.
The soft, quiet tones really bring out the innocence of each girl and Bec's realistic style has met to its fullest.
 You can even see the reflection in the eyes...

Au Revoir,

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